by Christian Inzinger, Benjamin Satzger, Waldemar Hummer, Schahram Dustdar
Specification and Deployment of Distributed Monitoring and Adaptation Infrastructures (Christian Inzinger, Benjamin Satzger, Waldemar Hummer, Schahram Dustdar), In 2nd Int. Workshop on Performance Assessment and Auditing in Service Computing (co-located with ICSOC'12), 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Inzinger, Christian and Satzger, Benjamin and Hummer, Waldemar and Dustdar, Schahram},
booktitle = {2nd Int. Workshop on Performance Assessment and Auditing in Service Computing (co-located with ICSOC'12)},
keywords = {WS-Aggregation},
mendeley-tags = {WS-Aggregation},
title = {{Specification and Deployment of Distributed Monitoring and Adaptation Infrastructures}},
type = {2. Conference Proceedings},
year = {2012}